Wednesday, September 30, 2009

March on Harrisburg, PA for Fiscal Responsibility

Dear Patriots,

The time has come to bring our voice home to the Harrisburg Capitol! From the very inception of our great nation, Pennsylvania has raised the voice of freedom to a world filled with chains and slavery. William Penn invited settlers to come to the New World and find freedom by settling in "Penn's Woods" and some 300 years later I am inviting you to join us in Harrisburg on November 14, 2009 to once again stand for freedom! To once again stand against chains and slavery - chains of debt and slavery to an irresponsible government that would spend us into oblivion.

Saturday, November 14, 2009 will be a state-wide March on the Harrisburg Capitol for Fiscal Responsibility! We expect that buses from all over the state will arrive at City Island at 1:00pm and starting at 2:00pm Freedom loving Patriots will begin to March toward the Capitol building - we will continue the March until we have gone around the building 7x letting our leaders know that like the walls of Jericho - the walls of high taxes, increased spending and irresponsible government must fall!

The March will end with a rally on the Capitol steps with speakers from Pennsylvania and the National stage. And we will reinforce that our government is a government of the People, by the People and for the People. And our government should answer to us!

It is time for you to join the cause - the PA Budget MESS, the lack of Property Tax reform, the overall fiscal irresponsibility of the Pennsylvania leadership demands that Patriots from Erie to Philadelphia and every city in between rally to Harrisburg for FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY!

Don't forget to wear Red, White & Blue and carry your PA flag, your Culpeper flag or your Dresden flag. Hope to see YOU there!

For Liberty,

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Big Government - TOO BIG!

There has been a much used quotation floating around the internet that goes something like this, "A government that is big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have." This has been attributed to everyone from Thomas Jefferson to Richard Nixon. My limited research seems to suggest that it really comes from Barry Goldwater. Regardless, the sentiments are clear: Government can get too big and it will destroy the people!

As a citizen of Pennsylvania, I can see first hand how Big Government is destroying. In PA we have been promised Property Tax Relief - due to revenues from the gambling industry - to date there has been NO RELIEF (but the governor and others insist that we can increase our new budget deficit because revenues from the gambling industry will cover the difference. Hmmmm, am I missing something? The PA Department of Public Welfare is spending tax dollars trying to license and control church daycare and have included the objective of controlling church Sunday Schools. Why? Because they believe that any child not under the Department of Education falls under their control and supervision. This is interesting considering that the Department of Education guidelines begin at 18 months old. Is government getting too big? Not according to Governor Rendell who is still pushing for more contro, like Pre-K Counts. By the way, when is the last time anyone ever cut government spending and reduced the cost of government by cutting programs, bureacracies, or any part of the state budget?. I guess they are still trying to give us everything we want. BEWARE!
The Federal government - yes the combination of Democrats and Republicans ( a liberal by any other name would smell as bad - apologies William S.) - continues to grow beyond our means and there are NO restraints! Unread bills, poor legislation, executive orders, bailouts, and health care, to name a few, are all adding up to bigger government and yet the line for handouts continues to grow! The money isn't there, the benefits aren't either and the tax burden continues to expand and oppress - us and our posterity!
Patrick Henry said, "Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased by the price of chains and slavery?" The fact is that there are too many piglets, suckling at the dried out teets of the Federal Government, that are willing to don the chains and accept the slavery in order to bask in a life that is not dear and a peace that can never be sweet! America, the governments in Washington, DC and Pennsylvania are growing beyond their means and freedom loving Patriots are once again becoming the serfs of an elected aristocracy. Let's vote them out and reclaim America.
Proof that the government is big enough to give us everything we want? THEY ARE TAKING EVERYTHING YOU HAVE! Enough is enough.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Horrific Cass Sunstein

Sarah Muirhead
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) has scheduled a vote for Wednesday, September 9 on a presidential nominee opposed by many American hunters, gun owners, and farmers.
The nominee, Cass Sunstein, has been tapped to lead the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) or ?oRegulatory Czar??as the position is known. The job functions as the ?ochoke point??between the White House and regulations from government agencies including the Departments of Interior, Agriculture, the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
The vote will take place over the objection of Senator Johnny Isakson (R-Georgia), who is attempting to place a hold on the appointment. To force the confirmation vote, Senator Reid has scheduled a vote of cloture ?" a procedural move to force a vote on an appointment. Cloture requires 60 yes votes.
Sunstein has written and spoken extensively regarding his anti-hunting and anti-2nd amendment positions. He?Ts also advocated in favor of legal standing in a court of law for animals. He also has advocated that state animal cruelty laws be applied to hunting and livestock, and further that organizations should be able to sue on behalf of animals in court.