Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tea Party Welcome for Senator Specter

This past Tuesday was a remarkable moment for Lebanon, PA! 2000 +/- people gathered in downtown to express their opinion of President Obama's health care agenda. Most of the locals were against HB 3200 and most of them had in fact read the bill or at least large portions of it. Despite the "spin" version of national media outlets, the Town Hall meeting was actually an example to the nation as to how questions could be asked to elected representatives, even in dissent, with respect and decorum. Two minor details that marred the event included Mr. Miller's stumbling tirade about not being able to speak (as if everyone in the 250 people were going to have 5 minutes to spend with the microphone - by the way that is about 20 hours!) and the fact that Senator Specter should be on "Dancing With the Stars" with the way he avoided answering the questions he was asked! Although the Meeting itself was exemplary, the rally outside was the real story.
The planned Tea Party Welcome for Senator Specter was a locally driven event that brought out extreme amounts of concerned citizens right from Lebanon. In an orderly fashion, with no confrontations, no arrests, really very little difficulty keeping the street open and with great energy the patriots of Lebanon County raised their voice in protest to the President's social agenda. Citing concerns about higher taxes to pay for the plan, public monies being used for abortions, mandatory end of life counseling for those over 65, plus issues regarding health plan choices, the effects on small businesses, and the state training of Doctors, nurses and counselors, friends and neighbors from all over the Lebanon Valley spoke their voice and it was heard!
No matter what the mainstream media wants to focus on, we should not lose focus on the fact that "Lebanonians" made a difference on the national scene. And for that we should be extremely proud. I know I am.