"It then recent days, news has spread like wildfire throughout the commonwealth that the office of House Speaker
Keith McCall (D-Carbon County) censored a prayer which was supposed to be delivered by a pastor from
Adams County. The edit involved two words: "Jesus Christ."
McCall's office has tried to explain this action in a variety of ways. First, his office said the censorship was an
effort to keep all prayers made in the House "nondenominational" claiming that they don't want the commonwealth
to get sued, and that they are simply doing what other states have done. Then, his office said they wanted to
avoid any controversial prayers because of an incident alleged to have occurred where a pastor from Lancaster
County made inflammatory comments in a prayer he gave. Finally, McCall is claiming that he is only continuing
a policy begun by former House Speaker Matt Ryan (R-Delaware County) - which was three Speakers ago.
Yet, when a muslim cleric was invited to pray in the House, he was permitted to pray in the name of "Allah."
Laurel Lynn Petolicchio, Constitutional Organization of Liberty
Happy 4th of July
Laurel Lynn Petolicchio, Constitutional Organization of Liberty
Happy 4th of July