Thursday, July 9, 2009

Left? Right? or Balanced! - Part I

OK, I've jumped on the bandwagon and started reading the "5000 Year Leap". I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. But I have quickly realized that the United States has skidded violently away from the intents and hopes of our founding fathers and, truthfully, we all are to blame. If Skoussen is right, then the accurate model of governmental ideals would show that there really is no 'left' or 'right' as we define them. In fact, though many of us have almost proudly claimed the moniker "right wing conservative", we really are not on the right. According to Skoussen's model, what we know as "right wing" is more properly defined as centrist. The Founders placed us in a balanced position of a constitutionally bound, democratic, republic - a conglomeration of the best facets of some of the most successfull governments of history. What we have seen for many years is the shifting toward government control (which Skoussen would place on the left) and away from our position of balance. However, the growing trend at the moment seems to be more libertarian and while many god-fearing Americans are pleased with the levels of agreement we have with those fighting for "more liberties", we need to carefully realize that there are many who would be pleased with absolute liberty - which would lead to anarchy (placed by Skoussen on the right). Therefore the battle, as always, is for CONTROL by the government or LIBERTY by the godless or BALANCE by the god-fearing. In other words, to whom is man really accountable - government, God, or himself?

Our Founding Fathers knew that any form of government that did not acquiesce to God (or at least a power higher than man himself - the Creator) would not and could not succeed. They believed that religious belief was the glue that would bind a people together, provide a common foundation for building this great nation and encourage the growth and prosperity that they all hoped for when they first came to this continent. It is important to realize that they did this knowing that no one religion was the answer, but a general appreciation of five basic truths was absolutely necessary. These five truths, as outlined by Benjamin Franklin and identified by Skoussen are as follows:

1. There exists a Creator who made all things, and mankind should recognize and worship him.
2. The Creator has revealed a moral code of behavior for happy living which distinguishes right from wrong.
3. The Creator holds mankind responsible for the way they treat each other.
4. All mankind live beyond this life.
5. In the next life mankind are judged for their conduct in this one.

While many Bible-believing Christians would wish to add to this list, we certainly agree that these five fundamentals are consistent and pertinent for every man and in a more practical sense, every religion - other than Humanism.

Elbridge Gerry, signer of the Declaration of Independence wrote, "Should we succeed in Power & Wealth every Empiree on Earth, and neglect the Morals of the people, is it not evident, that our Independence, instead of Freedom would produce a slavery far exceeding that of every other nation?" November 8, 1778

References: "The 5000 Year Leap", W. Cleon Skoussen