Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sanford...Step Aside!

I'm often amazed at the apologists that spring up to defend immoral and unacceptable behavior of elected leaders! The comments I've heard have ranged from "What's the big deal?" to "His personal life is between he and his wife". These well intended comments might be political idealogs who do not want to lose a "good" man in office or they could just be truly apathetic to what these kind of actions really represent.
Frankly, whether Governor Sanford has finally found his "soul mate" or just a no strings attached fling is really meaningless. The fact is that his actions reveal a character flaw that cannot be ignored. First, he made a vow to his wife, probably before God, that implied faithfulness, honor, protection and love. He betrayed that vow. No matter how you slice it, that speaks to his integrity. As an engineering term, integrity implies thorough, complete strength. Governor Sanford has shown his flaws and revealed his lack of integrity. This disqualifies him from office.
Second, Governor Sanford spent money (his or otherwise), time and thought to "cover" his extramarrital affair. Regardless of where his "heart" was, this reveals a total lack of honesty and, in fact, exposes his proclivity to deceit.
Last, Governor Sanford's actions show that he is unworthy of the trust of his wife, his family, and certainly the people of South Carolina.
Integrity, fidelity, trust, and character are not just words to build a campaign or describe a friend. They are words with meaning; conservative thought and values will not be helped by someone with these unfortunate failings.
Our founding fathers knew that a nation that became godless, that elected leaders without virtue and that ignored the basic values of human decency was doomed. Marital infidelity and betrayal is enough reason for any public official to resign - regardless of conservative, liberal, republican or democratic schools of thought.
Finally, Governor Sanford has some serious work to do - but not in the State Capital, rather he has some serious work to do at home. Restoring his own values, his own marriage, his own family and his own soul. Caretakers of the public trust, that show themselves to be lacking in the areas mentioned above must honor the office and respect the position of leadership - even above their own worth to that office.
Mr. Sanford, the first step in restoring your integrity and character is to resign and privately deal with the difficulties you caused. Please step aside!