Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What's Wrong With America?

Probably no blog is large enough to answer this question but perhaps you will consider a book entitled "Culture Collapse". Follow the links and obtain a copy for yourself then join up and help send a copy to every legislative leader in all the states of the Union! Maybe we can get an answer and fix what's wrong with America!

Arlen Specter - a Democrat?

It's already happened in ideology and practice. Senator Specter is basically a Democrat. So what is our recourse? For years, Specter has ridden the fence of moderation at best - he has never been a conservative. In fact, for many true conservatives Specter received Republican votes for his stand on Israel and his economic reserve, not for his true 'republicanism'. And now we are stuck, and he knows it.
Where is his integrity? He was chosen by specific voters for specific reasons that are not defined by the other side of the aisle. He owes his constituents fair return for their investment. A switch in parties is duplicitous and despicable. He owes us better than that!
Where is his common sense? There is a balance of powers that is guaranteed by the Constitution and disenfranchisement by a politician is wrong. How much will Specter get for the change he is making? Someone is paying the bill and the Justice Department should take a hard look at his office. It is not beyond Senator Specter to buy support, I wonder if he is willing to sell it?
Where is his future? The Democrats can have him but just what will they expect from someone who has betrayed the trust of his constituents? Beware Arlen Specter! You just might find yourself a so-called "man without a country".

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

School Choice in Pennsyllvania

Some school districts in Pennsylvania spend as much as $20,000.00 per student for their education. For their money, parents get a broad approach to education. Open mindedness, political correctness, tolerance and inclusivism are all proclaimed as benchmarks of a progressive and appropriate education. Most school districts operate in state-of-the-art facilities with modern technology and every convenience. All of this sounds great if you can be satisfied, not with buildings, classrooms and accoutrement's, but with the philosophical and ideological agendas of the faculty, administration, and leaders of the Department of Education. So, what is a parent to do? No one is debating the proper way to add two and two or the proper way to diagram a prepositional phrase. What is being debated is the morals, values, and ideals that are represented in the various classrooms around the Keystone State.

To clarify some thoughts, morals are the foundational beliefs of an individual, values are the guidelines of life that are built upon those morals, and ideals are the goals and expectations which one hopes to attain based on those morals and values. The bottom line is whose morals, values and ideals are chosen to train the children in Pennsylvania school districts and who chooses how your money is spent.

Based on the laws of this state, every family is required to initially consider the public school (provided based on the property taxes and other funds set aside in the state budget). Other secondary options require families to find the money for tuition and fees of private or parochial schools and finally, families might consider various options of "home" school. Unfortunately, when you choose an option other than the public school, your taxes still go to support the public schools.
The debate hinges on this basic supposition - the Department of Education takes your money, provides an education that they deem appropriate, and teaches the morals, values and ideals that they affirm. You are welcome to explore options, but we keep your money. This collectivism mentality diminishes competition and smacks of monopoly. Why shouldn't Pennsylvania families be allowed to direct their taxes to the schools of their choice? Consider that the Department of Education already publishes minimum guidelines for educational institutions that assure basic structure and order. School choice would not and should not change those guidelines. The Department of Education through PSAT's and other standardized tests properly evaluate the educational levels of all students. Charter, private, and parochial schools administer those tests as well and their students perform on similar (and often better) levels.

The most probable concerns of the Department of Education must then be control of three areas: Control of the money; Control of values and ideals; and Control of the students. Each of these areas are an infringement on the rights guaranteed us by the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. An efficient system of public education does not imply control of all monies to educate nor does it imply control over philosophy and curriculum. It most certainly does not imply control of the actual students. The debate over school choice is problematic for the Department of Education for they do not want to relinquish control.

There can be no more basic understanding of the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness than that of control over your own family and no one should usurp that control, including the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tea Parties: One Lump or Two?

The impact of last week's bevy of Tea Parties will not be known for sometime. The coverage before during and after April 15th certainly covered the gamut of support, criticism and ridicule - much of which I understand. I attended the Harrisburg, PA Tea Party and was astounded to see the radicals that were represented.
As a Bible-believing Christian, I certainly blushed at the impromptu preachers that stole their turn on the soap box. Honestly, I agree with much of what they were bellowing into the bullhorns however I did not agree with their opportunism. What was accomplished? Was anyone challenged by their message or were they simply tolerant of the extra "noise". Truthfully, I wish they had held their own rally because they did a great injustice to citizens and the Word of God by painting themselves (and by association the rally) as the tool of Radicalism.
As a Patriot, I was proud of the opportunity to stand with fellow citizens in peaceable assembly and rally together against the free wheel spending of Big Government. Note, NOT democrats but Big Government. There are many, many Americans who recognize that the problems our country is facing are not related to partisan issues, but rather to ideology. Collectivism, Regulation, Excessive Spending and even Socialistic ideals will lead to the economic struggles we face and they are not exclusive to Democrats or Republicans. The Tea Party was defined and presented as an assured right by the United States Constitution - and by the way it was not a revolt.
Unfortunately, I can foresee a possible revolution in the United States but it is not now and should not be about the issues we face. We have a proper way to redress grievances and we will and should follow that method. The vast minority - maybe two signs - calling for revolt were misplaced and inappropriate. However, calls to remove some from office by vote or impeachment were properly placed and represent our next call to action.
Finally, as a Citizen of the world, I was proud to see many races, creeds and beliefs represented. Clearly this is NOT a problem of WASPish America! The diversity represented as many of our speakers challenged real issues of government (like overspending, overtaxing, unaccountability of government) was refreshing and truly amazing.
As a Human Soul, I was touched by one specific member of the crowd - a dear elderly lady. Watching her hunched in the rain, hood on her head, and one singular, wrinkled hand held in the air. Her sign was just a scrap of cardboard taped to an old paint stick, her message scrawled in a shaky hand. The words didn't matter - her presence did. This is not a rally to revolt, it is not a rally of radicals - it is truly a rally of redemption by those who are finally stirred to buy back the freedoms that our country stood for and someday will again. God bless America!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Let's hear it for Governor Perry!

There certainly has been much discussion about the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Just what did the Founders intend when they included it in the original Bill of Rights? Basically the writers took great pains to identify two main aspects to the Constitution and its first ten amendments, the Bill of Rights.
First, they sought to limit the Federal government. Their experience with a tyrannical king, a controlling military, a restrictive ruling religion (the Church of England), and an irresponsible parliament left them reeling. They were determined that government would provide the protection and order that they needed without absolute control over the Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness that was endowed by the Creator. Second, they actively sought to delegate specific powers to the Federal government, thus ensuring that it would fulfill its responsibility to the citizenry - namely guaranteeing the Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness that were endowed by the Creator.
The Bill of Rights, added to further clarify the principles outlined in the Constitution, were finalized by a beautifully crafted statement that any powers not specifically granted to the Federal government was reserved for the State government and THE PEOPLE. The founders believed that the Federal government was the servant of the States and not the other way around. Men like Patrick Henry and George Mason fought wisely and logically for these specific assurances as protections from an overbearing Federal government.
And now - some 200 years later - here we are: fighting to once again maintain State's rights for the protection of the people and our inalienable rights.
Governor Perry of Texas has it right. The United States is a wonderful union but it is just that a union of States each with individual rights and powers that are not dictated to by a central, Federal body but rather reliant upon that Federal government for order and protection. Governor Perry's detractors, unfortunately, reveal their ignorance of History and the founding principles of this great nation when they simply relate his comments to the issue of slavery. No one could possibly interpret the Tenth Amendment as archaic or ineffective no matter how much it has been ignored. The real question is just how many of our inalienable rights are under attack? ALL OF THEM! And that is why states like Texas, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and others have introduced legislation to reinforce the understanding of States Rights and the importance of the Tenth Amendment. No one should ever be accused of being un-American when they stand upon the pillars of the United States Constitution.
It has been said that the Tenth Amendment is the cornerstone of the Constitution may we ever build upon it and may it never be removed!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Definition of Marriage

The battle truly is raging in the Northeast! Not only has the Vermont legislature legalized same-sex marriage, they over rode the Governor's veto to do it. Why is this such a big deal? Despite the naysayers and re-definers, the Bible is clear - homosexuality is unnatural and wrong. You have to twist the Scriptures pretty hard to make it say anything else, although some do. But from a practical point of view, what rights are homosexual couples missing that cause such legislation and hoopla?
Homosexuals live together as a couple, purchase houses, pay rent, work jobs, attend churches and other wise exist as a "couple". The only thing they don't have is the validation of a state issued license and in order to do that, marriage must be re-defined. Marriage licenses are the governments way of recognizing the union that for generations was a church proceeding. Homosexuals can exist in a civil union (a government sanction) and receive similar recognition. Insurance benefits and life rights are guaranteed because of a marriage license and yet the pervasiveness of divorce has made these once difficult decisions much easier and relatively similar to the marriage "contract" as issued by the Government.
Government licenses have been applied to raising children, both by natural birth and adoption. Once again the social issues of the day with single parent hood have opened the door for just about anybody to adopt and, advances in science have even dealt with certain issues of natural birth.
I would not necessarily agree with all of the applications that these "policies" of government have made nor would they be the law of the land if everyone lived in my country. The truth of it is that in the United States there is no need of government sanctioned, legalized, same-sex marriage except the selfish validation of the homosexual lifestyle. They maintain the same rights, privileges and opportunities that the average married couple maintains they simply do not have the official marriage license - that which has been reserved for historic, traditional, biblical marriage - one man and one woman.
The National Organization of Marriage has recently released a commercial entitled "A Gathering Storm". This campaign makes it clear that the legalization of same sex marriage is not an 'end' but rather a 'means'. The means to disrupt, the means to sue, the means to forcefully integrate into a society that otherwise accepts their existence but doesn't need or want to validate it. I may personally disagree with many of the lifestyle decisions made by the citizens of this great country - I'm free to express my opinion and no one has to listen. They are free to make their choices but I should not be forced to accept or validate their choice.
The issue then of same-sex marriage is really only another special interest group, pushing their own agenda and tearing at the fabric of society.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Is Health Care a 'Right'?

Read this article first: Is Health Care a 'Right'?
Of course not! It clearly falls under "liberty" ensured by the U.S. Constitution. This is where government oversteps its bounds time and again. Redefine, Reorganize and Regulate - requiring citizens to see government as the only source of provision and care thus makiing them dependant. Setting aside for a moment the issues of Health Care and its cost, simply consider the loss of freedom when Government controls the guidelines by which we choose to receive care. It is not a stretch to see a world where an overworked civil servant is deciding when you need care - or perhaps when you don't need care! Then where are your rights? What if the decision is that you need too much care? Wouldn't your needs then impinge on the 'rights' of others? The biggest problem is that we have generations of Americans who have been taught to expect the government to provide. When we become a nation of entitlement and privilege we will cease to exist in freedom! God help us we are already there!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Nation of Citizens?

President Obama's understanding of our Nation and its founding should really concern all of us. Apparently, he continued his theme of the United States not being a Christian nation an opinion he has held since at least 2006. The U.S. Constitution was not an explosion of thought by 55 men with common interests. It was the conglomeration of 55 men who understood history, logic, human nature, and above all government. Where did they learn about these foundations? From the Bible! In fact more than 30% of the Constitution is quoted from the Bible (the basis of CHRISTIAN thought). The vast majority of these men were Christians (52 out of 55). They represented the original 13 colonies - most of which were established as Christian colonies with the free exercise of any belief in God. The founders were sent to the Convention in Philadelphia to establish a government that was ordered, established and endowed by God the Creator - Jesus Christ. Even the Bill of Rights was inserted after a time of prayer asking for guidance based on Benjamin Franklin's encouragement that, "unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it". (directly from the Bible). Is the United States a Christian nation? Yes! And not because of President Obama's opinion, not because 83% of Americans claim a belief in God and not because seventy-some percent claim to be Christian. It is Christian because it was founded on Christian principles, using Christian guidelines, by Christian men representing a Christian citizenry and asking for God's blessing. It is a Christian nation that is tolerant of all other beliefs that will abide with us in peace and it is "one nation under God".
President Obama would do well to read our Constitution and understand it before he begins redefining our nation.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Fife & Drum

One of the most endearing visuals from the Revolutionary War Era is the embattled color guard marching to war playing the fife and the drum. The instruments were valuable additions to the armed forces. They signaled a rally cry, they kept order, they enlivened footsteps and they led the troops into battle. In 2009 we need such a group!
So, here is the Fife & Drum - my effort to rally Christians, Patriots, and Citizens to the cries of Purity, Freedom and Democracy! In an orderly fashion, with lively imagery and occasional debate may we be used to lead the troops and hold the colors high!