Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Nation of Citizens?

President Obama's understanding of our Nation and its founding should really concern all of us. Apparently, he continued his theme of the United States not being a Christian nation an opinion he has held since at least 2006. The U.S. Constitution was not an explosion of thought by 55 men with common interests. It was the conglomeration of 55 men who understood history, logic, human nature, and above all government. Where did they learn about these foundations? From the Bible! In fact more than 30% of the Constitution is quoted from the Bible (the basis of CHRISTIAN thought). The vast majority of these men were Christians (52 out of 55). They represented the original 13 colonies - most of which were established as Christian colonies with the free exercise of any belief in God. The founders were sent to the Convention in Philadelphia to establish a government that was ordered, established and endowed by God the Creator - Jesus Christ. Even the Bill of Rights was inserted after a time of prayer asking for guidance based on Benjamin Franklin's encouragement that, "unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it". (directly from the Bible). Is the United States a Christian nation? Yes! And not because of President Obama's opinion, not because 83% of Americans claim a belief in God and not because seventy-some percent claim to be Christian. It is Christian because it was founded on Christian principles, using Christian guidelines, by Christian men representing a Christian citizenry and asking for God's blessing. It is a Christian nation that is tolerant of all other beliefs that will abide with us in peace and it is "one nation under God".
President Obama would do well to read our Constitution and understand it before he begins redefining our nation.