Monday, April 20, 2009

Tea Parties: One Lump or Two?

The impact of last week's bevy of Tea Parties will not be known for sometime. The coverage before during and after April 15th certainly covered the gamut of support, criticism and ridicule - much of which I understand. I attended the Harrisburg, PA Tea Party and was astounded to see the radicals that were represented.
As a Bible-believing Christian, I certainly blushed at the impromptu preachers that stole their turn on the soap box. Honestly, I agree with much of what they were bellowing into the bullhorns however I did not agree with their opportunism. What was accomplished? Was anyone challenged by their message or were they simply tolerant of the extra "noise". Truthfully, I wish they had held their own rally because they did a great injustice to citizens and the Word of God by painting themselves (and by association the rally) as the tool of Radicalism.
As a Patriot, I was proud of the opportunity to stand with fellow citizens in peaceable assembly and rally together against the free wheel spending of Big Government. Note, NOT democrats but Big Government. There are many, many Americans who recognize that the problems our country is facing are not related to partisan issues, but rather to ideology. Collectivism, Regulation, Excessive Spending and even Socialistic ideals will lead to the economic struggles we face and they are not exclusive to Democrats or Republicans. The Tea Party was defined and presented as an assured right by the United States Constitution - and by the way it was not a revolt.
Unfortunately, I can foresee a possible revolution in the United States but it is not now and should not be about the issues we face. We have a proper way to redress grievances and we will and should follow that method. The vast minority - maybe two signs - calling for revolt were misplaced and inappropriate. However, calls to remove some from office by vote or impeachment were properly placed and represent our next call to action.
Finally, as a Citizen of the world, I was proud to see many races, creeds and beliefs represented. Clearly this is NOT a problem of WASPish America! The diversity represented as many of our speakers challenged real issues of government (like overspending, overtaxing, unaccountability of government) was refreshing and truly amazing.
As a Human Soul, I was touched by one specific member of the crowd - a dear elderly lady. Watching her hunched in the rain, hood on her head, and one singular, wrinkled hand held in the air. Her sign was just a scrap of cardboard taped to an old paint stick, her message scrawled in a shaky hand. The words didn't matter - her presence did. This is not a rally to revolt, it is not a rally of radicals - it is truly a rally of redemption by those who are finally stirred to buy back the freedoms that our country stood for and someday will again. God bless America!