Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Definition of Marriage

The battle truly is raging in the Northeast! Not only has the Vermont legislature legalized same-sex marriage, they over rode the Governor's veto to do it. Why is this such a big deal? Despite the naysayers and re-definers, the Bible is clear - homosexuality is unnatural and wrong. You have to twist the Scriptures pretty hard to make it say anything else, although some do. But from a practical point of view, what rights are homosexual couples missing that cause such legislation and hoopla?
Homosexuals live together as a couple, purchase houses, pay rent, work jobs, attend churches and other wise exist as a "couple". The only thing they don't have is the validation of a state issued license and in order to do that, marriage must be re-defined. Marriage licenses are the governments way of recognizing the union that for generations was a church proceeding. Homosexuals can exist in a civil union (a government sanction) and receive similar recognition. Insurance benefits and life rights are guaranteed because of a marriage license and yet the pervasiveness of divorce has made these once difficult decisions much easier and relatively similar to the marriage "contract" as issued by the Government.
Government licenses have been applied to raising children, both by natural birth and adoption. Once again the social issues of the day with single parent hood have opened the door for just about anybody to adopt and, advances in science have even dealt with certain issues of natural birth.
I would not necessarily agree with all of the applications that these "policies" of government have made nor would they be the law of the land if everyone lived in my country. The truth of it is that in the United States there is no need of government sanctioned, legalized, same-sex marriage except the selfish validation of the homosexual lifestyle. They maintain the same rights, privileges and opportunities that the average married couple maintains they simply do not have the official marriage license - that which has been reserved for historic, traditional, biblical marriage - one man and one woman.
The National Organization of Marriage has recently released a commercial entitled "A Gathering Storm". This campaign makes it clear that the legalization of same sex marriage is not an 'end' but rather a 'means'. The means to disrupt, the means to sue, the means to forcefully integrate into a society that otherwise accepts their existence but doesn't need or want to validate it. I may personally disagree with many of the lifestyle decisions made by the citizens of this great country - I'm free to express my opinion and no one has to listen. They are free to make their choices but I should not be forced to accept or validate their choice.
The issue then of same-sex marriage is really only another special interest group, pushing their own agenda and tearing at the fabric of society.