Monday, April 13, 2009

Is Health Care a 'Right'?

Read this article first: Is Health Care a 'Right'?
Of course not! It clearly falls under "liberty" ensured by the U.S. Constitution. This is where government oversteps its bounds time and again. Redefine, Reorganize and Regulate - requiring citizens to see government as the only source of provision and care thus makiing them dependant. Setting aside for a moment the issues of Health Care and its cost, simply consider the loss of freedom when Government controls the guidelines by which we choose to receive care. It is not a stretch to see a world where an overworked civil servant is deciding when you need care - or perhaps when you don't need care! Then where are your rights? What if the decision is that you need too much care? Wouldn't your needs then impinge on the 'rights' of others? The biggest problem is that we have generations of Americans who have been taught to expect the government to provide. When we become a nation of entitlement and privilege we will cease to exist in freedom! God help us we are already there!