Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Arlen Specter - a Democrat?

It's already happened in ideology and practice. Senator Specter is basically a Democrat. So what is our recourse? For years, Specter has ridden the fence of moderation at best - he has never been a conservative. In fact, for many true conservatives Specter received Republican votes for his stand on Israel and his economic reserve, not for his true 'republicanism'. And now we are stuck, and he knows it.
Where is his integrity? He was chosen by specific voters for specific reasons that are not defined by the other side of the aisle. He owes his constituents fair return for their investment. A switch in parties is duplicitous and despicable. He owes us better than that!
Where is his common sense? There is a balance of powers that is guaranteed by the Constitution and disenfranchisement by a politician is wrong. How much will Specter get for the change he is making? Someone is paying the bill and the Justice Department should take a hard look at his office. It is not beyond Senator Specter to buy support, I wonder if he is willing to sell it?
Where is his future? The Democrats can have him but just what will they expect from someone who has betrayed the trust of his constituents? Beware Arlen Specter! You just might find yourself a so-called "man without a country".